How to Clean Your Cell Phone Case

Twenty-five percent of the cell phone owner population own something in common, an iPhone. Many cellphone owners, including myself, take their phone everywhere and use it constantly. People use them to text and call, take pictures, play games, explore the internet, play music and the list goes on.  That said, phones are constantly getting touched and set down on a multitude of surfaces therefore getting covered with dirt and grim constantly. Or if you have a phone case, the phone case is what’s getting covered in dirt and grim. Fortunately if you do use a case there are two easy steps to clean the phone case. According to OtterBox, a popular manufacturer of phone cases, there are two steps in cleaning the case.

“1. Wash your OtterBox with warm soapy water to easily remove surface stains.

  1. Quickly sanitize your OtterBox with a Sani-Wipe to keep your case germ-free”

So next time you need to clean your phone case, make sure to use warm soapy water and follow up with a Sani-Wipe to wipe it clean!